Gioca: Shopping Street

Inizio / Giochi di Avventura / Giochi di Gestione / Shopping Street Gioca (Shopping Street) - Giochi gratis per le ragazze!


Voti totali:  32 . Piace al 75% .
Voti totali: 32 . Piace al 75% .
Descrizione Shopping Street:
In Shopping Street is't your mission to beautify the shopping area of your little town with new stores, restaurants and boutiques. You start with a small bistro which offers only a few seats and yields little profit. When you fulfill the objectives provided, you get a higher budget in later levels, and more and more exclusive shops become available to you. To meet the increasing demands of your customers and the strict financial constraints of the city, you have to act strategically.

Play Shopping Street with your tablet, iPad or mobile phone.


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